Monday, September 6, 2010

Sterling - September 2010


In life we have choices. Right or left? Hot or cold? Fast or slow? And every choice we make will change us. So, saying that, do we always think about our choices like we should? Or do we pass them off like nothing? In choosing, we’re setting ourselves up for later. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to sit back and watch my life go down the drain simply because I want to do what I want now without thinking about the future. I’m trying make choices to shape my life into what I want it to be later. I’m not doing the best for sure, but I am trying. I see so many people who live for the fun they can have right now. And I see the price of the choices they have made. And then I look at others that have made good choices that set them up for later. We all can make choices that help build a stronger foundation for later. But we can’t do it on our own. We need help from family and friends, but mostly we need help from God. He is the only One who can really help us. We have the choice to live for Him or live for ourselves. We have the choice to go to heaven or to hell because of the price that Jesus paid. I have made my choice. It is time for you to make yours.


  1. You are SO right! I'm so glad you made the choice to go to heaven. I made that choice too! I am so looking forward to the future with Him! May God bless you with a highly favored, marvelous day!

    Ruthie (Brannen) Crockett

  2. All the little choices make up who we are. It isn't just the big choices in your life--or what appear to be. And when it comes to the big choices, if you've been going astray with the little ones, you might be so affected to pick the wrong choice.
    You guys are high quality writers.
